Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Equine Destiny" A Preview

Click on title above for a preview of a works-in-progress

For the record Equine Destiny is a work in progress by Change For Balance Productions and Sandy has provided some wild mustang footage... To inquire more information visit:
or email info@equinedestiny.c

I love Sandys work but I see on her site she is encouraging people to support ROAM. I tried to contact her in the comments section to let her know my feelings, but it said "error" and I dont know if it went through.

I hope she gets the message that ROAMs passing is the WORST thing that could happen for the wild ones. They NEED to maintain their STATUTORY entitlement to their historic lands or the BLM can legally remove all of them off of their traditional lands, or even off of public land entirely. The BLM will be free to do what they want with them and they WILL NOT have to keep them upon their historic lands. Do you really think they would keep them there if they didnt have too? The wild ones NEED the rock-solid protection of statutory entitlement to their historic rangelands....this is something they are already supposed to have thru the WFHBA of 1971 and something we must continue to fight to have enforced. ROAM Act will take that right away and we will have NO legal ground to challange BLM when they propose to remove all wild equines from all of their historic rangelands. ROAM Act is indeed a Judas Horse. Dont be led into the trap.

1 comment:

Equine Destiny said...

For the record Equine Destiny is a work in progress by Change For Balance Productions and Sandy has provided some wild mustang footage... To inquire more information visit:
or email info@equinedestiny.com

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The Change For Balance Team