Sunday, April 19, 2009

Native Americans to Get Wild Horse Processing Plants?


Wild Horse meat processiing plants planned for
NW tribes

Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 6:55 PM

To Whom It May Concern,

The Confederated tribes of the Umatilla, the Yakama tribe, Colville tribe, Nez Perce tribe, Warm Springs tribe, along with the Intertribal Agriculture Council, the U.S. Dept of Agriculture Animal Plant Health Inspection Service
and the BIA are planning on building a horse meat processing plant as a meens to do away with the wild mustangs.

Native people of the United States and Canada, don't let this happen to our wild horse brothers - we cant afford to lose them, to lose another part of our culture. These horses could easily be adopted out to Native people in
the U.S. and Canada, and it would even be better to adopt them out to non-native owners instead of destroying them. Or if the tribes are set on making a profit, it would even be better to sell the wild mustangs for redeo stock
rather than killing them.

For more information on this issue, go to _http://www.umatilla
html_ ( and click on confederated umatilla journalmagazine, then home page, then click on march 2009 and you can
go page by page to page 10 "NW tribes want to reduce horse numbers." Also April 2009, front page "Tribes unite over feral horse issue," and page 41 "Tribal horse coalition."

This story needs to get out asap so the slaughter of our wild horses can be stopped. Everyone needs to know whats going on with our wild horses.
Maybe I will have to revise this petition to include NW / Candian tribes?

Click on title above to see and sign petition;


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