Wild Horses Crammed in Holding Pens

Wild Horses in the Wild
Congress counts each letter received as the opinion of ten people! The battle for our Wild Mustangs will be won in the court of public opinion. The Department of Interior, its Bureau of Land Management need to face a sustained public outcry over its wild horse management practices.
Contact Your Legislators in D.C.
Call or e-mail your Representative, ask him or her to co-sponsor, HR1018 and HR503. The House of Representatives link is below. You have to take action now and you have to follow it up, even if it means e-mailing your House Representative once a week you have to stay on top of it. Ask you Representative to respond... Or the wild Mustangs will be gone. If not for yourself do it for your grandchildren.
Contact Your Representative, ask them to co-sponsor HR1018 and HR503.. Call or Write your two Senators ask then to co-sponsors S727 Ask for a reply.
Link for Congress .http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/
Sign Petition http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/save-the-indian-ponies-wild-mustangs.html
Write to the Department of the Interior
Mailing Address:
1849 C Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20240
Phone: 202-208-3100
E-Mail: feedback@ios.doi.gov
Director: Mike Pool (Acting)
E-mail: Mike_Pool@blm.gov
Deputy Director (Operations): Mike Nedd (Acting)
E-mail: Mike_Nedd@blm.gov
Chief of Staff: Janet Lin
E-mail: janet_lin@blm.gov
Denounce the aggressive Wild Mustang removal campaign currently under way at the behest of special interest groups and at the cost of millions of our tax-dollars. Tell them that your tax-dollars would be better spent on an “in the wild” management program not based on removal.
Call for a moratorium on round-ups. Let Bureau of Land Management officials know how you feel about their adoption program. Denounce the continued mismanagement of our Wild Mustangs and request an “in the wild” management program. Now more than ever, we need to put public pressure on the BLM for the sake of our Wild Mustangs and Burros. Tell them to accept Madeline Pickens offer from The National Wild Horse Foundation. Free Our Wild Mustangs and Burros.
Spread the Word! Our strength is in numbers. Here are suggestions on how to help spread the word about our Campaign and the plight of our Wild Mustangs. Alert the media, local and national. Write letters to the editor expressing your outrage. E-Mail a copy of this page to your family, friends, neighbors, and contacts urge them to take action. Add a link to our group page on your email also on your website.
In 1952 Velma Johnston. "Wild Horse Annie", as she was later known, led a grass roots campaign, which involved school children writing letters to Congress, in protest of the treatment of the horses. Public outrage and the innumerable letters written to Congress, resulted in the passing of legislation that banned the use of aircraft and land vehicles in the capture of wild horses. In 1971, former President Nixon signed into law the Wild Free-roaming Horse and Burro Act, which banned the capture, branding, and death of wild horses on public lands. It was this unprecedented letter-writing campaign conducted by schoolchildren across the country that became instrumental in securing the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act. Some of the letters were eloquent in their simplicity, showing more wisdom and common sense than all of the testimony of the scientists and wildlife managers combined.
*Encourage your local school board to help create a school-childrens save-our-wild-horses campaign. Remind them of Wild Horse Annes work with school children. Encourage them to engage the children in a letter-writing campaigns to the president, encourage the boardmembers to hold "wild horse" art and/or essay contests for the students to engage in. Encourage them to encourage the children to get involved. Tell the members about the dangers our wild horses are facing today...and remind them that wild horses are part of our National Heritage and should be preserved. We must convince them enough to care, to see the good of this fight. Make them feel proud to be a part of it, if only they would. What can it hurt to try?
Thank you for taking action,
Haviland R. Gordineer
Parsons, TN
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