Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Legislative Proposals to Change Terms of Heil Trust / Commission

Old but relevant news regarding mis-management of the Leo Heil Trust by the very "Commission" appointed to preserve and protect Nevadas Wild (WILD) horses (and burros); http://www.igha.org/BLM8.html
Not having researched the legislative history of this commission, I am left to assume (for now) that such revisions were proposed and eventually passed)

Here is an excerpt from that article where a RANCHER is sticking up for the wild ones and objects to these (proposed) legislative changes to the Act that created Nevadas Commission for the Preservation of Wild Horses;

"...The (proposal) measure also requires the commission to "encourage cooperative efforts and to participate in programs for the removal and disposal of wild horses.''

Steven Fulstone, a Smith Valley rancher and vice-chairman of the Nevada wild horse panel, says the wording is certain to provoke legislative battles.

"That one I just can't agree with,'' Fulstone said. "That's against the wild horse and burro act. It's not appropriate for a commission for the preservation of horses to do that.
"There has to be a reasonable way to handle the overpopulation of wild horses. Those changes in the legislation are not the way to do it.''


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